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First Progressive Parenting Tip

I’m so excited to be bringing you the first progressive parenting tip of the series!

A quick reminder about me - I’m San, The UK Parent Coach, founder of The Story Potion parenting consultancy and mum to 3 children aged 5, 8 and 10.

If you’re anything like me, when you first became a parent, you thought you’ll have kids, go back to work and live your life.

The reality is that parenting is life changing and mind altering.

Once I became a mum, my priority became my children. But after I became a progressive parent, my priorities changed when I learned:

  • A mother’s mental health directly impacts the happiness of her children and

  • A mother’s words become her child’s inner voice 🤯

Mind blowing, right? Two basic concepts that they didn’t teach you at NCT classes!

Since learning these important facts, my self-care became my priority. I couldn’t be a positive parent if I wasn’t my best self.

I found that when I was stressed and run down, I would speak negatively to the children and they were internalising this as self-blame.

So it’s important, as a parent, to take care of yourself so that you can raise confident, happy and successful kids.

Parenting burnout and stress is an entirely different problem. This shows up when you’re trying really hard with your kids but they’re just not responding positively or cooperating.

I found there was a steep learning curve when I became a mum, especially when it came to discipline. Being a British-Born Asian, I knew I needed to do things differently to my parents but books and websites can be easily misunderstood.

That’s why I created my 1:1 Bespoke Programme, which is tailored around you and your children in the areas that you need help, with WhatsApp support to ensure you integrate the strategies successfully.

To find out which sessions are right for you and to talk about what’s going on with your children, click the link below to book your FREE consultation.

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