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Back to School

Help your kids return to school feeling positive in ​this FREE interactive masterclass on Thursday 22nd August at 12pm (replay will be available!)​​



Are you dreading the school morning routine? Is it always a struggle to get your kids up and out on time, without having to shout, repeat yourself or micro-manage them?


Or perhaps you're worried that your child might cry at the school gates and you're wondering how to get them back to school feeling ready and positive. I can help you sort this.


On Thursday 22nd August at 12pm, I'll be running a FREE masterclass to show you exactly how to get your kids back to school, on time and happy, using progressive parenting strategies.

Yes, you can actually have a calm, enjoyable start to the day, where your children get up, ready and out the house independently, developing valuable life skills and helping you stay sane on your parenting journey!

To be in on the secrets, click the link below to attend this eye-opening masterclass!



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